video direction, editing, storytelling
“this was (is, but certainly was) my life”.
“who are you from my patio”
“kissed my heart”, you have touched my life, and now my skin.
creative direction for the avenue magazine, shot and edited by cali cardenas
creative direction for the avenue magazine, shot and edited by maya solanki
creative direction for the avenue magazine, shot and edited by cali cardenas
creative direction for the avenue magazine, shot and edited by Emanuele Dokyi
creative direction for the avenue magazine, shot and edited by cali cardenas
“frammenti di luna” filmed and edited by Aung Thant Kyaw, directed by Abby Falzone
CISTERNERNE rebrand , Copenhagen, Denmark summer abroad.
“summer heat” directed, shot and edited by Abby Falzone
“desire” directed and spoken by Abby Falzone